Video Transcription
Salve a tutti, sono Rylin Ray. Sono Anastasia Rose. E tu ci stai guardando
Philly Film e per tua informazione non siamo sorelle. Stiamo rappresentando
sorelle e spero che vi divertiate a guardarci. Buon divertimento!
Sono un po' confusi. Beh, sbrigati perche' ne hai un'altra che fa bene.
dopo. Perche' papa' ha bisogno di tutte queste informazioni? A proposito...
Ummm... Nicky... "invited" me!
She does this.
She sends me a DM... with a link to a video. a lesbian porn video.
i want to say that i am above this. i can resist such temptation.
i would TOTALLY be lying!
i am a submissive lesbian slut.
i said it!
And... *giggles!*
Nicky KNOWS it!
She knows that all She has to do is send me a link, and i will go there...
i will go there, watch, and because i am a good girl, i will masturbate.
i ADORE Nicky, and i do as i am told.
Even when it is implied.
She knows that She doesnt ALWAYS have to tell me to touch myself. She KNOWS that i am a good girl. i obey. i do as i am told, and... i pick up on the hint. the whisper. the unspoken command. if She sends me porn, i will watch it. i will watch it and touch myself. i will do this because it is expected. Because SHE expects it.